The Body Orchestra | Performance Intensive with Viviana

This Performance Intensive held by Viviana will turn dancers into real members of a music ensemble! Strings, woodwinds, percussions. Each instrument, in the hands of a musician, has its own character and that’s unique and… clearly visible! Just like ours! And when the body, through movement, is painting sounds, the entire group will look like a Body Orchestra. Are you ready to join?

The students will work on a musical selection and artistic inspiration proposed by the teacher and will create an intense and harmonious group performance, to be presented at the Open Stage on Sunday, May 26th, at 6:30 pm at San Lo’ dance studio.

If you still need inspiration please watch our video playlist dedicated to Viviana! She’s amazing.

📌 Friday, May 24th, 2024 at San Lo’ dance studio
⏰ 1:00-4:00 pm CEST (Rome Summer Time UTC+2h)
⚠️ Please check in at least 10 minutes in advance
📅 See the complete festival SCHEDULE here

How to participate
Open to Fusion dancers of levels.
Please fill in the application form ➡️

The Body Orchestra | Performance Intensive with Viviana
